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This system is widely used for many years and is approved by international organizations as a water disinfectant, there are no health risks or overdosage possibilities once installed and adjusted, its operation is very simple and requires minimal maintenance, that it is reduced periodically cleaning the silver cell, and replacing it when it runs out, so the cost of operation is very low.


Unlike ultraviolet light that has no residual effect, and ozone whose residual is a few hours, the silver ions remain in the water protecting it permanently and greatly increasing its shelf life, so it can be used alone or in combination with one or both systems described above to achieve complete protection of your product

Catalogo Qa-Ag 1

Catalogo Qa-Ag 1



Catalogo Qa-Ag 2

Catalogo Qa-Ag 2

imagenes al 3 de septiembre 286

imagenes al 3 de septiembre 286

Catalogo QA-Ag 3

Catalogo QA-Ag 3



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Its essential advantages are the following:


Effective disinfection of water and protection against re infection.

Water conservation during prolonged storage.

Silver is not volatile; retains its residual effect even at high temperatures.

The walls of tanks and pipes are impregnated with the layer that protects them against bacteria.

It does not represent any risk to health (NSF, NOM-201-SSA1-2002).

They do not modify the taste of water, it keeps it unalterable.

The absence of moving parts gives a very long life of the equipment with minimum maintenance

The equipment is installed online and just before the bottling part, the contact time is given by the container itself.

Water preconditions


To make the most of the qualities of the Ion Silver equipment, it is necessary to consider the following preconditions in the water where it will be dosed in order to obtain the best results.


Water conductivity

This determines the electric current to be applied to the equipment.


Organic content

Organic substances, as well as turbidity and suspended particles reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants including silver, so the water must undergo a previous filtration.



There is no limit, the greater the hardness, the more frequent cleaning of the electrode, with a brush or plastic fiber and in certain cases with diluted HCl.



In terms of chemical parameters, the chloride content is the most important, if the chloride content exceeds substantially 35 ppm, the electrode must also be cleaned more frequently by the formation of silver chloride.

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